With over 40 different "Notches" identified, it can be a challenge to match individual positions. Hopefully, these three simple steps will reduce the number of possibilites to consider by adding a 3 character "Tag" to the tag search field.
Consider 1) additional re-entering in the centre right of the inner oval, 2) the location of the horizontal arm of the notch and then 3) the position of the vertical component and combine the three lettes in order to create a useful search for the tag field of the home page. The examples below each show the appropriate Tag for the stamp illustrated.
1) Is there a re-entry in the right inner oval along with the notch? (If yes then "R", else "N")
Left: A clear re-entry above the notch (and elsewhere), the horizontal component is even with the base of the 'E' and the vertical component starts in the centre of the white inner oval band.
Right: No re-entry, the horizontal is well above the base of the 'E' and vertical is just to the right of centre.
2) Where is the Horizontal component of the "Notch"? (A - Above the bottom of the 'E', E - Even with the bottom of the 'E' or B - Below the bottom of the 'E'.
Left: No re-entry, horizontal above base of 'E' and vertical well to the right
Centre: No re-entry, the horizontal is even with the base of the 'E' and vertical is centered in the white oval
Right: No re-entry, the (very short) horizontal is well below the 'E' and the vertical is well to the right
3) In relation to the White Inner Oval, where does the Vertical Component begin? (L - Left of centre, C - Centre or R - Right of centre) In several of these "Notch" varieties, the vertical component appears as a diagonal. We only consider the top most portion of the line to determine this attribute for our Tag Search, but the slope of the line can be very helpful in identification.
Left: A re-entry in the right inner oval, the horizontal is below the base of 'E' and the vertical is well to the left
Centre: No re-entry, the horizontal is below the base of the 'E' and vertical component is centered
Right: No re-entry, the horizontal is well above the base of the 'E' and the vertical starts to the right of the centre of the inner white oval